Introduction to Full Stack Development Blog's

Introduction to Full Stack Development Blog's


Introduction to HTML

. Static websites mean it mix of HTML, CSS

. Responsive website ---> Bootstrap.

. Dynamic website ----> JS ES9, React JS.

* HTML syntax introduction-

1. Main heading - h1 element.

2.paragraph - p element.

3. Button - Button element.

  • Adding Heading in HTML- h1, h2....

syntax - <tag> content (any text) </tag>

<h1> hello </tag>

. Adding Paragraph in HTML-

Syntax - <tag> content (any text) </tag>

<p> plan your career </p>

. Adding Button in HTML-

Syntax - <tag> content (any text) </tag>

<Button> Click here </Button>

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>Plan your career.</p>
    <button>Click here</button>